Cleaning your TV Screen

Television has become an important part of our lives that provides us with endless hours of entertainment with endless information about the world. However, by the time, our TV screen accumulates dust, fingerprints and smudges that can affect the picture quality and overall viewing experience. In order to ensure the highest performance and longevity of your TV, you need to know how to clean TV screen regularly. Here, we will guide you through the process effectively and safely cleaning your TV screen.

What you’ll need to clean TV Screen:

To clean your TV screen effectively, you’ll need some basic supplies. These are

  • Microfiber cloth
  • distilled water
  • Isopropyl alcohol (70% or less)
  • A spray bottle

You also need to avoid using harsh chemicals, paper towel or regular towels as they can damage or harm screen surface.

Cleaning TV Screen
  1. Check the Manual:

Before starting to clean your TV, you should always take a glance at the instruction manual first. There may have important information regarding what you should do or should not do.

  1. Safety First:

Before you begin to clean TV screen, it’s important to prioritize safety. You need to start by turning off and unplugging your television to avoid any electrical accidents and let the screen to cool down properly.

  1. Dusting Off:

Use a soft dry microfiber cloth or soft lint-free cloth. This process will remove loose dirt and particles without scratching the screen. Don’t press too hard or use excessive force. Try circular motion to remove most of the dart.

  1. Remove Stubborn Stains:

After that, damp the microfiber cloth with distilled water to remove fingerprints or stubborn stains. Make sure the cloth is slightly damp not dripping out. Don’t use the water directly. Gently wipe the affected areas in circular motion.

  1. Dealing with Tougher Stain:

If you have tough stain on the screen, you can create a homemade solution using a 50:50 mixture of distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. Then spray the mixture on the cloth and apply on the screen. Avoid directly spray the mixture. D[i]o not use this formula regularly as it can damage your screen.

  1. Tackling the Edges and Frame:

While cleaning the TV screen, don’t forget to clean the edges and frame as well. You should use a separate microfiber cloth or cotton swab dipped in the cleaning solution.

  1. Drying and polishing:

After cleaning, let the screen to dry in the air for few minutes. Check if there is any more stain on the screen. If so, use a microfiber cloth gently to polish the screen. Make sure the screen is completely dry before turning on the TV or reconnecting the power.

  1. Maintaining a clean screen:

To keep your TV screen clean for longer periods, adopt a few preventive measures. Avoid touching the screen with your fingers and remind others to do the same. Dust your TV screen regularly. Smoke and cooking fumes can leave spot on the screen, to avoid these, reduce exposure of the smokes and cooking foams.

Cleaning your TV screen is a simple yet vital task that can significantly enhance your viewing experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove dirt, spot and stains without causing any damage to the screen surface. Remember to prioritize safety, use appropriate materials and adopt preventive measures. With regular maintenance, your TV will continue to provide you vibrant images for years.

Photo by Matilda Wormwood:

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: