Best Water Purifier

The lifeline of a home is pure, clean, healthy, and disinfected water. A whole house water filter keeps the harsh chemicals, impurities, and smell out of your water and your home. It is really necessary to find the best water purifier for your needs as what a purifier is preventing may vary.

Why you need a water purifier for home ?

Depending on the source, your water supply can contain heavy metals, residues, viruses, bacteria, high chlorine, arsenic, and hydrogen sulfide. These can cause serious harm to you and your family in the long term of use. To avoid acute water diseases and skin problems, you’ll need a perfect solution and an effective water purifier for home can help you with that.

How to know your water is contaminated ?

When your water smells odd, has a strange color, tastes bad, contains large enough to see particles, seems cloudy or stains clothes, leaving achy hands, it is high time you bought a water purification system.

Choosing the best water filter for your home ?

There is a huge variety of water purifiers in the market by type, style, size, and capacity. Choosing the best one for your house is surely a headache. Some companies offer multiple filters as more contaminations and impurities need more filtration stages. And there are some factors too that you might consider before buying a water purifier for your home. Including

  • Flow rate- flow rate indicates how much time it will take to pass through the system.
  • Maintenance- in most of the system the purifying filter needs to be replaced for a better service.
  • Purification you are expecting- if your water is cloudy, you need a purifier that clears that and makes it pure. But you don’t want your water without the minerals. Again water that tastes salty needs a purifier to balance the salt and not completely remove it.

5 Best water purification companies for Home

Here are some of the best home water purifiers available in the market that might work for you.

  • Springwell CF+

Springwell is in one note best of 2023, for whole house water purification. It can remove 96% of contaminations from water.

 This model gives you a 1000,000-gallon filter lifespan and 9 GPM (Gallons per Minute) water pressure. The best part here is a 6-month of money-back guarantee and warranty for a lifetime while costing $ 1, 016.44. CF+ clearly provides you with the best service for the longest time.

Springwell CF+ water Filter

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  • 3MAqua-pureTM AP904

The price is $518.11 and can vary based on the model. It has an excellent flow rate. And this water purifier for the home gives a warranty of 25 years. This comes 2nd in the list considering the price and warranty period.

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  • Aquasana Rhino 600,000

This water filter is on the list for the easiest filter replacement. It costs around $ 1,498 which is a bit pricy compared with the CF+. However, the unique dual-tank design catches all the attention and causes the easiest filter-changing method. The filter lifespan is 1 million gallons of water or 10 years of service. Aquafina demands removing heavy metals, bacteria, and algae using minerals, copper zinc, and active carbon. And it comes with a 6-year of warranty.

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  • Pentair PelicanPC6000- P

This filtration company says that it reduces 97% chlorine from water and the results are use-worthy water. This model can cost you $1,130. Its stainless-steel filtration tanks give a wonderful is certified that these tanks can hold stage-2 and stage-3 filters. The filter setup is the CF+. Though the activated carbon filter cannot catch all the impurities, any attachment can be done method is a plus point. The flow rate is 8 GPM and serves with one year warranty.

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  • LifeSource whole house water system

This company modifies water filtration systems to fit one’s water usage. They are using separate filters to treat different sources of water. Their installation range starts from $1500 seems quite fair as the purifier is 100% is considered one of the top-rated water softeners.

It’s necessary to analyze the best purifier in the market before buying water purifier.

Featured Photo by cottonbro studio: