You are probably ruining your towels and you don’t even know it. When you buy a towel, it’s so soft and fluffy. But over time, it loses it’s fullness and absorbance. Because you are probably using dryer sheets and fabric softener. Both of them reduce a towel’s ability to absorb water. Our goal is your satisfaction. Let us show you the proper way of taking care of bath towels.
Instead of fabric softener, use distilled vinegar. Add in a one forth or half cup to your wash cycle in place of fabric softener. This softens your clothes, reduces static, and keeps your washer smelling fresh.
And instead of dryer sheets, you can use dryer balls. They keep your laundry static – free and soften your clothes too. To add more, they are reusable, hypoallergenic and they shorten drying time. If you want the fresh smell of dryer sheets, it’s easy and customizable. Wet a wash cloth and wring it out. Add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil. Toss in it. Save your towels before it’s too late.
You need to know that, having too many towels in your washer at once means there won’t be enough room to rinse out all the dirt and detergent. Overloading the dryer is also a bad news. Without enough air to properly fluff the fabric, you will wind up with stiff, matted towels.
To get rid of it, mix half a cup of baking soda along with a normal detergent dose for fluffier and cleaner towels. Baking soda also naturally eliminates musty and mildew smells that come from towels remaining damp for too long. It’s even more critical to shake towels both before and after they are dry to help them stay soft and fluffy.
No one wants to dry off with a scratchy towel. You can also follow these simple laundry tips to make towels soft and fluffy again. Turn crunchy, scratchy towels soft and absorbent, the way you like them to be. This tips will keep your towels looking and feeling new longer. Save money on laundry. Make your towels with white vinegar. Do not add detergent, wash on high with hot water to remove detergent residue. Your towels will be soft and fluffy again.
If you want your bath towels to be as useful as possible, the first thing you should do is, when you get them home, wash them. Most towels can’ t absorb water because of how they are finished. But washing your bath towels will help
their fibers open up and make them absorbent.
Don’t wash your towels with other clothes if you want your towels to last longer. If you wash your towels with clothes that have hooks, pins, or other parts that can pull the fibers, it can get damaged. So, the plan is easy. Put your towels to work. It will help you avoid stains from other fabrics and hardware that can damage fibers.
By following the above mentioned tips, you can have your towels like a new, soft ball.

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