Unlike Micky Mouse, real-life mice aren’t funny at all. These rodents destroy household objects and transmit diseases, so it’s probably best to keep them far away.

Mice can begin to infiltrate the house when the weather gets cold. This is scary as they can multiply rapidly and bring with them all manner of problems,  like property damage and disease.

Be kind and get rid of these pests without killing them or harm them through effective, natural, and easy ways!


Rats and mice cannot tolerate the pungent smell of onions. So, it is an excellent way to keep them away from your residents. Just cut one slice and place it where the rats are usually inhabiting. You need to replace the onion, however,  once they have rotten.

Essential Oils

Peppermint, citronella, and eucalyptus oils can help get rid of rats in a natural way. Similar to onions, their robust scent can dissuade the pests too. Just be cautious if you have cats or dogs,  as certain essential oils can be toxic to them.

Owl’s Feather

Rats are smart enough to sense threats in their surroundings. They have learned how to act and escape from an owl’s attack. Therefore,  you will be able to get rid of rats using their natural predators’ feathers. Collect owl plumage and place them near rat or mouse habitats.

Ammonia Solution

Aside from a cleaning agent, ammonia is also a good rodent-repellent for its pungent smell. Prepare 2-2 and a half cups of ammonia and 2-3 spoons full of detergent. Mix them in a bowl with 100-200 ml of water. Then, place the solution in spots where rats often stay.

Steel Wool

Steel wool can be used to block the rat’s access point. Use them as barriers to keep the rats from getting inside your house. It will be difficult for them to nibble the steel wool. So they would eventually give up in passing through the holes.

Moth Balls

Mothballs are effective in warding rats off, so place them in their possible habitats. These repellents can be readily found in the market and are easy to use. Just be careful in spreading them as the smell is dangerous to humans and other animals too. Use gloves or anything else to cover your hands when dispensing the mothballs.


Just like mint oil, bars of soap with a stronger aroma may be pleasing to us humans,  but are a major nuisance to mice. Find some soap with a strong odor, cut it into pieces, and scatter the pieces through the corners of your house,  under doors, and by windows. The odor will help keep rodents away.

Aluminum Foil

We don’t know if it’s the smell,  the shininess, or the noise it makes, but mice hate aluminum foil. Try to cover the entrances or sheets of foil where you last spotted them.

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