If you have a cold or flu, you should anticipate being sick for one to two weeks. That has not been turned into suffering. These treatments could make you feel better.

Soup with chicken

There is no scientific proof that chicken soup may treat colds or the flu or speed up recovery, even if its ingredients include nutrients that support your immune system. It’s soothing and hydrating, and it could lift your spirits overall. Furthermore, there’s some indication that the nutrients in chicken soup might slow down the neutrophils in your body.


Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant qualities. Uses consist of Relieving muscle soreness and controlling nausea with this reliable source. Saute a few raw ginger root slices in hot water to make tea. It may relieve sore throats, ease aches in the muscles and, if present, lessen nausea in addition to replacing fluids.


Honey contains a wide range of antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities. Sore throat pain can be relieved by consuming honey in tea with lemon. It might also have cough-suppressing properties. A youngster under the age of one year should never be given honey due to the possibility of bacillus spores. Although they normally pose no threat to older children and adults, newborns’ immune systems aren’t strong enough to deal with them.


Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antibacterial and perhaps antiviral properties. If you eat garlic, it might help lower the severity of your cold symptoms. It might even help you avoid getting sick in the first place. Garlic may be anti-cold, but more research is needed to confirm this, although eating more of it won’t probably injure you.

Antioxidant vitamin C

vitamin C is essential to your body for a variety of functions, including immune system support. Suitable food sources for vitamin C consist of citrus-based foods, crimson peppers, and lush green vegetables, like broccoli. When you’re unwell, adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey may help you feel better. Having cold or hot lemonade could also be beneficial. Although taking vitamin C supplements or through food is unlikely to prevent a cold, there is some evidence that it may help with symptoms and lessen the duration of a cold.

Gargling with salt water

Gargling with salt water can help shield the upper respiratory tract from infections. For example, relieving sore throats and nasal congestion may help lessen the intensity of cold symptoms. The allergens and bacteria found in mucus can be lessened and released with a saltwater gargle. For at-home use of this remedy:

Melt A full glass of water with one teaspoon of salt in it.

Floss it about your neck and mouth.

Throw it away.

Remain Warm and Sleepy

When you initially have a cold or the flu, staying warm and getting plenty of rest helps your body focus its energy on fighting the illness. The body is exhausted from this battle, so rest to help it a little.

Sleep With an Extra Pillow Under Your Head

Raising your head can help clear your stuffy nose. Try sandwiching the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to produce a more gradual slope if the angle is too awkward.

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