Purification of water at home

The world health organization reveals, more than 3.4 million people die every year as a result of waterborne diseases, a leading cause of death around the world. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable contaminations for safe human consumption. Though the higher authorities are doing their best to provide safe drinking water, we also need to ensure the purification of water.

Why natural water is not safe for you?

Water from a stream, river, or lake might look clean and still be dangerous for drinking. Due to exposure to nature, it can contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The water filtration system should be the 1st choice for one to follow. As all families cannot afford electric purifiers, here is a water treatment solution.

Best ways of purification of water at home:

  • Boiling

As high temperatures cause bacteria and viruses to die and chemical addition to come to an end, it is the most effective and easy way of purification of water. However, one must strain the water with a clean and microporous cloth to completely remove the impurities.

  • Reverse osmosis water filter

It is called the simple and straightforward method of water filtration system. A semi-permeable membrane is used in this process to remove inorganic solids from water to make it drinkable.

  • Water chlorination

A chlorine-based product such as sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, or bleach is used to water to kill bacteria and viruses and make water safe to use.

  • Distillation

Tap water is heated up and turns into vapor. Then the vapor condenses into water and this condensed liquid is drinkable distilled water.

  • Iodine addition

You can use iodine tablets to disinfect water. These tablets are easily available online or in any local pharmacy. Or you can use 2% of liquid iodine to 1 liter of water and use 5% if the water is cloudy to purify it.

  • Solar purification

It is a DIY water filtration system. This water treatment solution works using the sun’s energy to change contaminated water into fresh water.

  • Clay vessel purification

Also known as ceramic filtration. fired clay pot uses gravity and seeps water to filter microbes and other elements from drinking water. It is an ancient method with a post-production rate of up to 3.5 liters per hour.

  • UV radiations

UV cannot filter the water. It basically kills the bacteria in the water. You can use both sun’s direct UV rays and UV light. You need to use a non-UV blocker bottle and put it vertically in the sun with the water in it for at least 6 hours. But in the case of UV lights, hold the light in the water and you’ll need only 30 seconds to use the water.

  • Desalination

This is used when water with a certain level of salinity needs to be filtered. This purification method is helpful. This is mostly used for seawater and is one of the most used purification systems for consumption and agricultural use.

  • Water filtration plants

There are some plants and leaves in our neighborhood which helps in disinfecting water. Cilantro does an excellent job of removing heavy metals from water. A pitcher full of water and a handful of cilantro is what you’ll be needed in this water filtration system. Give it some time to sit the leaves (an hour at best). but you need to keep in mind that it does not work on arsenic and mercury.

To avoid cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, and such waterborne diseases, one must consume pure and treated water to be safe and sound. Humans cannot survive without water as it contains 70% of water itself.

But we need to keep in mind that dirty and impure water causes harm to our limbs and body. We need pure water with proper minerals to survive.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com