The aloe vera plant is called kumari, which is the ‘young girl.’ Probably this name is given because the plant looks young and fresh even after many years! Aloe vera is anti-toxic, treats digestive disorders, and rejuvenates cells. Aloe vera is commonly used and has a therapeutic as well as cosmetic purpose. It can be applied topically or consumed orally to derive its several benefits.
For your health, skin, and hair, aloe vera is used for lowering blood sugar, getting rid of dental plaque, and relieving constipation and other digestive disorders. It also improves the immune system because it has polysaturated and monosaturated compounds which help to boost white blood cells for relieving constipation. Take a tablespoon full of aloe vera gel, add a pinch of rock salt, mix and heat, and allow the moisture to evaporate. Eat this mixture once a day.
Aloe vera is an antioxidant that maintains the healthy structure of blood vessels and hence it is used in the management of diabetes with medical approval, you may consume about 10 ml of aloe vera juice and 10 ml of water to regulate blood sugar level. For red and burning eyes, tie some amount of aloe vera gel into a cloth place it gently over your eyelids, and sleep.
For a dry mouth, apply aloe vera gel inside your mouth with your finger 4 times a day to stimulate the taste buds. Rub the gel on your teeth to get rid of dental plaque. If this gel is used as a mouthwash, it will give you relief from bleeding, and swollen gums because it also contains vitamin C.
For weight loss, heat ½ tablespoon of aloe vera gel, add 1 tablespoon triphala powder and 1 tablespoon honey. Add 1 cup of water and drink after dinner or before bedtime but remember, aloe vera may cause some stomach irritation so it is good to cool it for a minute or two in a cooking oil or with a little water and then consume it. It is also unsafe if taken in a higher dose.
The health benefits are many but aloe vera also has some side effects and it should not be taken by those who suffer from diarrhea, children under 12 years, breastfeeding mothers, and pregnant women.
Aloe vera has excellent hydrating and anti-aging properties. It can be applied on your skin every day as a moisture and as a cleanser.
Aloe vera is easy to grow at home. If you have only one or two pots, you can take the gel for everyday use. Make a little cut with a knife on a matured leaf and spread Triphala churna over the cut. After 15 minutes, a yellow-colored substance will ooze out from the cut. Collect it with a spoon and apply it on the skin to get rid of pimples, even dark spots and blackheads.
If any boils or pimples are filled with pus, mix turmeric powder with this substance and apply it 3 times in a day.
For diaper rashes, mix aloe vera gel with an equal quantity of sesame oil and apply to the affected area. Aloe vera gel can be applied on any minor burn or injury for quick healing.

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