If you are like most of the people, including me chances are you have a few rusty tools lying around your property. Small hand tools to larger ones, like rax and shavols but rust is a preety much a fact of life. The good news is there are several ways to get rid of it. Let’s know about some ways to get rid of rust and reduce the chances of its ever coming back.
Rust naturally occurs when certain substances come in contact with oxygen and water for a period of time. Fortunately there are several ways to remove rust and get them back in service as new.
Let’s know about some of the most common ways.
1.Vinegar and salt :
Vinegar and salt working together is a good option for tools with large areas of rust. First of all clean and dry the tool. Then place the tool in a container large enough to cover the tool, and put enough vinegar to cover the entire tool, then sprinkle enough salt over the surface. Let it rest for two or three days. You can see it start dissolving and all you need to do is to wipe and clean it.
2. Baking Soda:
- For smaller area of rust baking soda can be an effective option. Mix baking soda and water into a thick paste and spread it on the metal. Then let it set for a few hours and scrub it off.
3.Rust Converter :
The simplest method is to use a rust converter which prevents further collision by covering rust. It can be applied with a big brush or a roller and acts as a primer for paint.
4.Chemical Solution :
Another option is to use a chemical solution, which is piwerful and effective but can be messy and take longer to set. Chemicals are best for small items. It can be applied with a brush.
5. Salt and Lime :
Another option is to sprinkle salt on a rust followed by some lime juice. Like the other methods you need the mixture set for a few hours before scrubing off.
6.Abrasive Tools :
For a chemical free alternative, use abrasive tools like an electric sander or screw driver to scrub off rust. Finish with a fine grain sand paper to remove subtle marks left from scrubbing.
Quality tools are made to be durable and last a long period of time. It can greatly affect how your tools work. If you don’t take care of the rust, it can lead to lasting damage. Follow these methods to have metal tools, furniture and household items looking like new.

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash
Image by Freepik