Thick, silky, and glossy hair are indication of good hair. It’s rare for someone to be born with silky hair. If you use hair products that aren’t designed for your hair type or have an unhealthy diet, your hair may become dry and brittle. Your hair is dry and brittle when the natural oils released by the scalp are unable to hold onto the moisture. To achieve soft and silky hair, try implementing a simple lifestyle and hair care adjustments. Here are 15 tips to make your hair soft and silky at home.

  1. Select hair care items based on the type of hair you have. When purchasing shampoos and conditioners from the market, pay attention to the type of hair you have. The types of hair (oily, dry, or damaged) have influenced the composition of the hair care products.
  2. Avoid shampooing your hair every day. Regular hair shampooing removes oil from your hair. Shampooing twice or three times a week is a better option. You can try dry shampoos if you have greasy hair. Don’t shampoo the tips, only the scalp.
  3. Use conditioner every time. Don’t forget to shampoo your hair, add conditioner, and let it on for two to five minutes before washing it off. Don’t apply conditioner to the entire length of the hair or the scalp. Only the tips should receive it. Conditioners help absorb moisture. lessen the static charge that exists between hair strands and provide some sun protection.
  4. Regularly oil your hair. Don’t wash your dry hair without first oiling it for at least an hour before shampooing. Any oil that is good for hair can be used, including coconut, olive, almond, and argan oils. For those with dry scalps, oil massage is particularly beneficial. Use hair oil just on the ends and strands of your hair, avoiding the roots, if you have an oily scalp.
  5. Apply hair masks. Using a hair mask once a week will help keep your hair oiled. Choose a homemade hair mask. Apply it, let it sit for an hour, rinse it out with shampoo, and then finish with conditioner.
  6. Avoid using hot water to wash your hair. Your hair dries out from the heat. You can use cold water or lukewarm water for washing.
  7. Use cool water to rinse the conditioner. Rinse the conditioner out with cold water to complete the hair wash after conditioning.
  8. Consider using hot oil treatments. For a few minutes, gently massage any heated oil, such as castor, coconut, or olive oil into your hair. After tying their hair, put on a shower hat. Wrap a towel bathed in hot water above this. After ten minutes, leave your hair in this state, shampoo it, and then condition it.
  9. Occasionally, use homemade conditioners. After washing your hair, you can use applesauce or vinegar made from apples
  1. Utilize hot instruments carefully. Hair straighteners and hot air hairdryers are examples of styling appliances that strip your hair of its natural oils and can harm your hair if used too often. Avoid using these types of heating instruments and use them cautiously. Before utilizing the heated equipment on your hair, apply heat protection.
  2. Avoid certain hairstyles. Hair damage can be caused by some hairstyles that pull your hair tightly, like ponytails and wearing tight hairbands over your forehead. Tie your hair back but not too tight.
  3. Keep the light away from your hair. Every time you walk outside in the sun, cover your hair with a scarf.
  4. Reduce how often you use dyes and hair colors. If you color or extensions your hair frequently, it might cause harm to its texture. Limit their use and give yourself at least six weeks’ break between hair treatments.
  5. Cut the hair short. One trim every three to four months will help you have hair that looks healthy and reduce ends that are split.
  6. Modify your diet. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in fatty fish and flaxseed oil, to promote good cholesterol. Eat foods high in biotin, such as almonds, spinach, and eggs. Eat citrus fruits, such as oranges, limes, and Indian gooseberries (Amla), to get vitamin C in your diet. Spend a few minutes in the early morning hours of the day in the sun to naturally obtain vitamin D. Eat things like fish, eggs, and mushrooms.

By following these 15 tips, you can make your hair soft and silky at home.

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